Obstacles of Multiplex Real-Time PCR for Bacterial 16S rDNA: Primer Specifity and DNA Decontamination of Taq Polymerase.

Obstacles of Multiplex Real-Time PCR for Bacterial 16S rDNA: Primer Specifity and DNA Decontamination of Taq Polymerase.

BACKGROUND: Detection of bacteria by PCR applied for screening blood and blood products with special attention platelet concentrates. For practical use is expected that the detection system including Gram-positive, Gram-negative and Gram-bacterial non-stainable. It is quite challenging to achieve high sensitivity with clear negative controls with PCR reagents, due mainly Taq DNA polymerase is contaminated with traces of bacteria.

METHODS: Bacterial decontamination of Taq DNA polymerase tested by two different methods using restriction enzymes Sau 3A1 and microfiltration. Besides the commercially available Taq polymerase depleted bacterial DNA was included.A published real-time PCR specific for Gram-negative bacteria adapted to Gram-positive bacteria, including Staphylococcus species specific and Mycobacteria, and is used to fill three Taq polymer-ases discharged from bacteria

RESULTS DNA contamination: Despite published reports of successful DNA decontamination , all three approaches perform poorly in experiments conducted in this study. Sensitivity ranges from about 50-100 colony units (CFU) per PCR reaction to Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus epidermidis, corresponding to 1.250 to 2.500 CFU / ml sample material. Conclusion: It seems unsatisfactory to receive a high detection limit for the PCR bacteria even if highly multiplexed diagnostics. a reliable method for the decontamination of Taq DNA polymerase is required and will present one important step towards the detection of bacterial DNA with high sensitivity.

DNA analysis is the main procedure in genetic engineering. This time the analysis is often done by PCR with Taq DNA polymerase. Although the price of the last enzyme is quite low, the demand for analysis of various results in a lot of spending money that is not affordable for many laboratories. Meanwhile, many screening duties do not require highly purified enzyme. Taking into account the unique nature of the enzyme that allows for little simplifies the production without the use of expensive techniques such as column chromatography or the length and / or dialysis.

The following data routine use of Taq DNA polymerase is prepared in accordance with the protocol developed in our laboratory are presented. protocols only take a few hours to realize and does not need to be a qualified technician or costly equipment. But give an enzyme preparation suitable for most screening purposes. Taq DNA polymerase isolated stock can be stored as ammonium sulfate suspension in the refrigerator for a long time, not less than 6 months. Working enzyme solution prepared from stock suspension on demand, no more than once a month and can be stored well in the refrigerator.

 Obstacles of Multiplex Real-Time PCR for Bacterial 16S rDNA: Primer Specifity and DNA Decontamination of Taq Polymerase.
Obstacles of Multiplex Real-Time PCR for Bacterial 16S rDNA: Primer Specifity and DNA Decontamination of Taq Polymerase.

Selection of Taq DNA polymerase efficiently to optimize the T-DNA genotyping method for the rapid detection of mutant Arabidopsis thaliana plants.

Port plant homolog of various animal genes involved in the metabolism of phosphorus, telomere biology and other cellular processes. Compared to experiment with many other multicellular organisms, research in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana take advantage of a short generation time and increasing warehouse of genetic tools and GMOs, including a large collection of T-DNA knockout and line activation.

Taq Polymerase (5U/µl)

MBT060A-500U 1 unit
EUR 41.58
Description: Taq Polymerase (5U/µl)

Taq DNA Polymerase (5U/uL)

A1003-500U 500U
EUR 26.4
Description: Biotechnology

Taq DNA Polymerase, 5u/ul

B0089(D0089) 5X200U
EUR 112.2

TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/mcl)

82487 500 Units
EUR 19.5
Description: Part E

TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/mcl)

82487-1 1000 Units
EUR 36.95
Description: Part E

TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/mcl)

82487-2 5000 Units
EUR 179.69
Description: Part E

FSP TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/mcl)

58235 250 Units
EUR 31.13
Description: Part E

FSP TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/mcl)

58235-1 1000 Units
EUR 97.16
Description: Part E

HSP TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/mcl)

46033 500 Units
EUR 40.88
Description: Part E

HSP TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/mcl)

46033-1 1000 Units
EUR 75.78
Description: Part E

Long TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/mcl)

15367 250 Units
EUR 28.22
Description: Part E

Long TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/mcl)

15367-1 1000 Units
EUR 102.63
Description: Part E

Roseate Taq DNA Polymerase (5U/mcl)

12192 500 Units
EUR 25.91
Description: Part E

Roseate Taq DNA Polymerase (5U/mcl)

12192-1 1000 Units
EUR 42.59
Description: Part E

HotStart Taq DNA Polymerase (5U/uL)

A4144-250U 250U
EUR 66
Description: Biotechnology

Taq Plus DNA Polymerase, 5u/ul

D0090 200U
EUR 94.8

Taq DNA Polymerase, 5 units/µl

ABP-PP-ERTQ001 1000U Ask for price

Taq DNA Polymerase, 5 units/µl

ABP-PP-ERTQ100 100U Ask for price

Taq DNA Polymerase, 5 units/µl

ABP-PP-ERTQ200 200U Ask for price

Taq DNA Polymerase, 5 units/µl

ABP-PP-ERTQ500 500U Ask for price

3G HotStart Taq DNA Polymerase (5u/ul)

3GHST81 5x500U
EUR 896.24

Taq DNA Polymerase (High Purity), 5u/ul

HTD0078 5X200U
EUR 129.6

AtMax Taq DNA Polymerase (2.5U/µl), 200U

PL4201 each Ask for price

AtMax Taq DNA Polymerase (2.5U/µl), 500U

PL4202 each Ask for price

Chromo Taq DNA Polymerase (1U/µl), 200U

PL1205 each Ask for price

Chromo Taq DNA Polymerase (1U/µl), 500U

PL1206 each Ask for price

FSP TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/mcl) (w/dNTP)

70073 250 Units
EUR 33.1
Description: Part E

FSP TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/mcl) (w/dNTP)

70073-1 1000 Units
EUR 101.09
Description: Part E

Long TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/mcl) (w/dNTP)

94126 250 Units
EUR 42.76
Description: Part E

Long TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/mcl) (w/dNTP)

94126-1 1000 Units
EUR 128.29
Description: Part E

TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/mcl) (w/6X Buffer)

12816 500 Units
EUR 24.29
Description: Part E

TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/mcl) (w/6X Buffer)

12816-1 1000 Units
EUR 41.82
Description: Part E

TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/mcl) (w/6X Buffer)

12816-2 5000 Units
EUR 189.44
Description: Part E

Pfu DNA Polymerase (5U/µl), 100U

PL5201 each Ask for price

Pfu DNA Polymerase (5U/µl), 500U

PL5202 each Ask for price

AtTaq DNA Polymerase (5U/µl), 200U

PL3201 each Ask for price

AtTaq DNA Polymerase (5U/µl), 500U

PL3202 each Ask for price

MaxTaq DNA Polymerase (5U/µl), 200U

PL2201 each Ask for price

MaxTaq DNA Polymerase (5U/µl), 500U

PL2202 each Ask for price

Long-Taq DNA Polymerase (5U/uL)

A4186-250U 250U
EUR 66
Description: Biotechnology

TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/mcl) (w/6X Buffer, w/dNTP)

51613 500 Units
EUR 26.26
Description: Part E

TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/mcl) (w/6X Buffer, w/dNTP)

51613-1 1000 Units
EUR 43.79
Description: Part E

TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/mcl) (w/6X Buffer, w/dNTP)

51613-2 5000 Units
EUR 199.11
Description: Part E

Taq DNA Polymerase

9001-2500 each
EUR 614.4

Taq DNA Polymerase

9001-500 each
EUR 229.2

Taq DNA Polymerase

3243 1000units
EUR 92
Description: Intact Genomics Taq DNA Polymerase is a thermostable DNA polymerase that possesses a 5´→3´ polymerase activity (1, 2) and a 5´ flap endonuclease activity (3, 4). This product is supplied with 10x PCR reaction buffer, containing MgCl2, which produces a final Mg2+ concentration of 1.5 mM. Ideal for primary extension reaction with DNA fragments having dA overhang on 3’ ends.Product Includes:Taq DNA Polymerase10x PCR Buffer with Mg2+5x Magic Enhancer

Taq DNA Polymerase

3243d 1000units
EUR 120
Description: Intact Genomics Taq DNA Polymerase is a thermostable DNA polymerase that possesses a 5´→3´ polymerase activity (1, 2) and a 5´ flap endonuclease activity (3, 4). This product is supplied with 10x PCR reaction buffer, containing MgCl2, which produces a final Mg2+ concentration of 1.5 mM. Ideal for primary extension reaction with DNA fragments having dA overhang on 3’ ends.Product Includes:Taq DNA Polymerase10x PCR Buffer with Mg2+5x Magic Enhancer

Taq DNA Polymerase

3245 1/EA
EUR 359.2
Description: Intact Genomics Taq DNA Polymerase is a thermostable DNA polymerase that possesses a 5´→3´ polymerase activity (1, 2) and a 5´ flap endonuclease activity (3, 4). This product is supplied with 10x PCR reaction buffer, containing MgCl2, which produces a final Mg2+ concentration of 1.5 mM. Ideal for primary extension reaction with DNA fragments having dA overhang on 3’ ends.Product Includes:Taq DNA Polymerase10x PCR Buffer with Mg2+5x Magic Enhancer

Taq DNA Polymerase

3245d 1/EA
EUR 476
Description: Intact Genomics Taq DNA Polymerase is a thermostable DNA polymerase that possesses a 5´→3´ polymerase activity (1, 2) and a 5´ flap endonuclease activity (3, 4). This product is supplied with 10x PCR reaction buffer, containing MgCl2, which produces a final Mg2+ concentration of 1.5 mM. Ideal for primary extension reaction with DNA fragments having dA overhang on 3’ ends.Product Includes:Taq DNA Polymerase10x PCR Buffer with Mg2+5x Magic Enhancer10mM dNTP Mix

Taq DNA Polymerase

abx299725-100g 100 µg Ask for price

Taq DNA Polymerase

abx299725-20g 20 µg
EUR 337.5

Taq DNA Polymerase

abx299725-50g 50 µg Ask for price

Taq DNA Polymerase

abx461029-1096tests 10 × 96 tests
EUR 1787.5

Taq DNA Polymerase

abx461029-596tests 5 × 96 tests
EUR 1062.5

Taq DNA Polymerase

abx461029-96tests 96 tests
EUR 362.5

Taq DNA polymerase

BT10101 500U
EUR 96
Description: High quality Taq polymerase for different PCR variations and downstream applications.

Taq DNA polymerase

BT10102 1000U
EUR 130.8
Description: High quality Taq polymerase for different PCR variations and downstream applications.

Taq DNA polymerase

BT10103 2000U
EUR 200.4
Description: High quality Taq polymerase for different PCR variations and downstream applications.

Taq DNA Polymerase

BA00103 500U
EUR 104.4
Description: High quality Taq polymerase for different PCR variations and downstream applications.

Taq DNA Polymerase

BA00104 1000U
EUR 147.6
Description: High quality Taq polymerase for different PCR variations and downstream applications.

Taq DNA Polymerase

BA00105 2500U
EUR 278.4
Description: High quality Taq polymerase for different PCR variations and downstream applications.

Taq DNA Polymerase

EQ005 100μl/500U
EUR 50

Taq DNA Polymerase

EQ005-100ul500U 100μl/500U
EUR 15

Taq DNA Polymerase

EQ005-500ul2500U 500μl/2500U
EUR 50

Taq DNA Polymerase

EK2500-01 200U
EUR 40.33
Description: Taq DNA Polymerase Kit containing polymerase and dNTPs

Taq DNA Polymerase

EK2500-02 1000U
EUR 163.5
Description: Taq DNA Polymerase Kit containing polymerase and dNTPs

Taq DNA Polymerase

EK2500-03 5000U
EUR 809.87
Description: Taq DNA Polymerase Kit containing polymerase and dNTPs

Taq DNA Polymerase

EK2500-04 500U
EUR 90.47
Description: Taq DNA Polymerase Kit containing polymerase and dNTPs

Taq DNA Polymerase

E2500-01 200U
EUR 31.61
Description: Ultrapure, recombinant Taq DNA polymerase for general Use (5.0 U/ul)

Taq DNA Polymerase

E2500-02 1000U
EUR 120.99
Description: Ultrapure, recombinant Taq DNA polymerase for general Use (5.0 U/ul)

Taq DNA Polymerase

E2500-03 5000U
EUR 599.5
Description: Ultrapure, recombinant Taq DNA polymerase for general Use (5.0 U/ul)

Taq DNA Polymerase

E2500-04 500U
EUR 69.76
Description: Ultrapure, recombinant Taq DNA polymerase for general Use (5.0 U/ul)

Taq DNA Polymerase

G009 1000 U (200 ul)
EUR 20
Description: Taq DNA Polymerase is a highly thermostable DNA Polymerase that catalyzes the 5’-3’ synthesis of DNA. This polymerase has 5’-3’ exonuclease activities, lacks 3’-5’ exonuclease activity, and produces 3’-dA-tailed amplicons. PCR products made with Taq can be used with TA cloning vectors.

Taq DNA Polymerase

MB101-0500 500 U/100 μl
EUR 10

Taq DNA Polymerase

MBS402024-500Units 500Units
EUR 170

Taq DNA Polymerase

MBS402024-50Units 50Units
EUR 160

Taq DNA Polymerase

MBS157418-1000Units 1000Units
EUR 190

Taq DNA Polymerase

MBS157418-3000Units 3000Units
EUR 245

Taq DNA Polymerase

MBS157418-500Units 500Units
EUR 175

Taq DNA Polymerase

MBS157418-5x3000Units 5x3000Units
EUR 780

Taq Polymerase(3U/µl)

MBT060B-1000U 1 unit
EUR 73.68
Description: Taq Polymerase(3U/µl)

Taq Polymerase(3U/µl)

MBT060B-5000U 1 unit
EUR 286.42
Description: Taq Polymerase(3U/µl)

Taq Polymerase(3U/µl)

MBT060B-500U 1 unit
EUR 49.43
Description: Taq Polymerase(3U/µl)

Taq Polymerase(3U/µl)

MBT060C-1000U 1 unit
EUR 73.68
Description: Taq Polymerase(3U/µl)

Taq Polymerase(3U/µl)

MBT060C-5000U 1 unit
EUR 286.42
Description: Taq Polymerase(3U/µl)

Taq Polymerase(3U/µl)

MBT060C-500U 1 unit
EUR 49.43
Description: Taq Polymerase(3U/µl)

Taq Polymerase(1U/µl)

MBT060D-1000U 1 unit
EUR 73.68
Description: Taq Polymerase(1U/µl)

Taq Polymerase(1U/µl)

MBT060D-5000U 1 unit
EUR 286.42
Description: Taq Polymerase(1U/µl)

Taq Polymerase(1U/µl)

MBT060D-500U 1 unit
EUR 49.43
Description: Taq Polymerase(1U/µl)

Taq Polymerase(1U/µl)

MBT060E-1000U 1 unit
EUR 73.68
Description: Taq Polymerase(1U/µl)

Taq Polymerase(1U/µl)

MBT060E-5000U 1 unit
EUR 286.42
Description: Taq Polymerase(1U/µl)

Taq Polymerase(1U/µl)

MBT060E-500U 1 unit
EUR 49.43
Description: Taq Polymerase(1U/µl)

Taq DNA Polymerase (3000U)

9K-001-0002 3000U
EUR 582

Taq DNA Polymerase (6000U)

9K-001-0033 6000U
EUR 1234.5

Taq DNA Polymerase (1000U)

9K-001-0035 1000U
EUR 418.62

Taq DNA Polymerase (500U)

9K-001-0001 500U
EUR 209.29

Taq DNA Polymerase I

K0560010 1000U
EUR 161
Description: https://komabiotech.co.kr/labiskoma/datasheet/K0560010,K0560050,K0560310,K0560350.pdf

Taq DNA Polymerase I

K0560050 5000U
EUR 750
Description: https://komabiotech.co.kr/labiskoma/datasheet/K0560010,K0560050,K0560310,K0560350.pdf

Taq HS DNA Polymerase

P132-d1 500 U
EUR 47.85

Taq HS DNA Polymerase

P132-d1-500U 500 U
EUR 49.55

Taq HS DNA Polymerase

P132-d2 1,000 U
EUR 89.18

Taq HS DNA Polymerase

P132-d2-1000U 1,000 U
EUR 92.34

Taq HS DNA Polymerase

P132-d3 5,000 U
EUR 406

Taq HS DNA Polymerase

P132-d3-5000U 5,000 U
EUR 420.41

TM Taq DNA Polymerase

TBS4010 1000 U
EUR 60

Taq DNA Polymerase Mix

abx461043-1096tests 10 × 96 tests Ask for price

Taq DNA Polymerase Mix

abx461043-596tests 5 × 96 tests
EUR 1062.5

Taq DNA Polymerase Mix

abx461043-96tests 96 tests
EUR 337.5

Taq DNA Polymerase (PCR)

G126 10000 U (2 x 1.0 ml)
EUR 370.8

HLA Taq DNA Polymerase

E2717-01 200U
EUR 37.06
Description: HLA Taq DNA Polymerase is a specially formulated enzyme for HLA SSP typing Using commerciallyavailable kits

HLA Taq DNA Polymerase

E2717-02 1000U
EUR 146.06
Description: HLA Taq DNA Polymerase is a specially formulated enzyme for HLA SSP typing Using commerciallyavailable kits

HLA Taq DNA Polymerase

E2717-03 5000U
EUR 719.4
Description: HLA Taq DNA Polymerase is a specially formulated enzyme for HLA SSP typing Using commerciallyavailable kits

HLA Taq DNA Polymerase

E2717-04 500U
EUR 82.84
Description: HLA Taq DNA Polymerase is a specially formulated enzyme for HLA SSP typing Using commerciallyavailable kits

Taq DNA Polymerase (PCR)

G008 5000 U (1.0 ml)
EUR 246

Hot Start Taq Polymerase (5U/mcl)

81646 250 Units
EUR 66.11
Description: Part E

Hot Start Taq Polymerase (5U/mcl)

81646-1 1000 Units
EUR 252.56
Description: Part E

Long Taq DNA Polymerase

MBS355971-3000Units 3000Units
EUR 445

Long Taq DNA Polymerase

MBS355971-500Units 500Units
EUR 235

Long Taq DNA Polymerase

MBS355971-5x3000Units 5x3000Units
EUR 1700

Taq DNA polymerase (+dNTPs)

02-001 200U
EUR 183.6
Description: The Taq DNA polymerase (+dNTPs) is available in Europe and for worldwide shipping via Gentaur.

Taq DNA polymerase (+dNTPs)

02-001-5 5×200U
EUR 308.4
Description: The Taq DNA polymerase (+dNTPs) is available in Europe and for worldwide shipping via Gentaur.

Taq DNA polymerase (-dNTPs)

02-011 200U
EUR 168
Description: The Taq DNA polymerase (-dNTPs) is available in Europe and for worldwide shipping via Gentaur.

Taq DNA polymerase (-dNTPs)

02-011-5 5×200U
EUR 261.6
Description: The Taq DNA polymerase (-dNTPs) is available in Europe and for worldwide shipping via Gentaur.

Color Taq DNA Polymerase

EK2510-01 200U
EUR 40.33
Description: Color Taq DNA Polymerase Kit containing polymerase and dNTPs

Color Taq DNA Polymerase

EK2510-02 1000U
EUR 163.5
Description: Color Taq DNA Polymerase Kit containing polymerase and dNTPs

Color Taq DNA Polymerase

EK2510-03 5000U
EUR 809.87
Description: Color Taq DNA Polymerase Kit containing polymerase and dNTPs

Color Taq DNA Polymerase

EK2510-04 500U
EUR 90.47
Description: Color Taq DNA Polymerase Kit containing polymerase and dNTPs

Color Taq DNA Polymerase

E2510-01 200U
EUR 31.61
Description: The enzyme is supplemented with two inert gel tracking dyes (red and yellow),allowing direct loading of PCR products to agarose gels (1.0 U/μl)

Color Taq DNA Polymerase

E2510-02 1000U
EUR 120.99
Description: The enzyme is supplemented with two inert gel tracking dyes (red and yellow),allowing direct loading of PCR products to agarose gels (1.0 U/μl)

Color Taq DNA Polymerase

E2510-03 5000U
EUR 599.5
Description: The enzyme is supplemented with two inert gel tracking dyes (red and yellow),allowing direct loading of PCR products to agarose gels (1.0 U/μl)

Color Taq DNA Polymerase

E2510-04 500U
EUR 69.76
Description: The enzyme is supplemented with two inert gel tracking dyes (red and yellow),allowing direct loading of PCR products to agarose gels (1.0 U/μl)

Native Taq DNA Polymerase

EK2504-01 200U
EUR 45.78
Description: Native Taq DNA Polymerase Kit containing polymerase and dNTPs

Native Taq DNA Polymerase

EK2504-02 1000U
EUR 188.57
Description: Native Taq DNA Polymerase Kit containing polymerase and dNTPs

Native Taq DNA Polymerase

EK2504-03 5000U
EUR 929.77
Description: Native Taq DNA Polymerase Kit containing polymerase and dNTPs

Native Taq DNA Polymerase

EK2504-04 500U
EUR 103.55
Description: Native Taq DNA Polymerase Kit containing polymerase and dNTPs

Native Taq DNA Polymerase

E2504-01 200U
EUR 37.06
Description: Native Taq DNA polymerase for general Use (5.0 U/μl)

Native Taq DNA Polymerase

E2504-02 1000U
EUR 146.06
Description: Native Taq DNA polymerase for general Use (5.0 U/μl)

Native Taq DNA Polymerase

E2504-03 5000U
EUR 719.4
Description: Native Taq DNA polymerase for general Use (5.0 U/μl)

Native Taq DNA Polymerase

E2504-04 500U
EUR 82.84
Description: Native Taq DNA polymerase for general Use (5.0 U/μl)

Maximo Taq DNA Polymerase

S101 500 units
EUR 39

Maximo Taq DNA Polymerase

S102 5x500 units
EUR 195

Maximo Taq DNA Polymerase

S103 20x500 units
EUR 499

Taq DNA Polymerase, 5units/㎕

T2200-050 500units
EUR 157.2

Taq DNA Polymerase, 5units/㎕

T2200-100 2x500 units
EUR 230.4

Taq DNA Polymerase, 5units/㎕

T2200-200 4x500 units
EUR 375.6

Taq DNA Polymerase Antibody

MBS186354-1mg 1mg
EUR 250

Taq DNA Polymerase Antibody

MBS186354-2x1mg 2x1mg
EUR 370

Taq DNA Polymerase Antibody

MBS186354-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 820

Perpetual Taq DNA Polymerase

EK2700-01 200U
EUR 90.47
Description: Perpetual Taq DNA Polymerase Kit containing polymerase and dNTPs

Perpetual Taq DNA Polymerase

EK2700-02 1000U
EUR 355.34
Description: Perpetual Taq DNA Polymerase Kit containing polymerase and dNTPs

Perpetual Taq DNA Polymerase

EK2700-03 5000U
EUR 1694.95
Description: Perpetual Taq DNA Polymerase Kit containing polymerase and dNTPs

Perpetual Taq DNA Polymerase

EK2700-04 500U
EUR 206.01
Description: Perpetual Taq DNA Polymerase Kit containing polymerase and dNTPs

Perpetual Taq DNA Polymerase

E2700-01 200U
EUR 81.75
Description: Monoclonal antibody automatic "hot start" PCR system (2.5 U/μl)

Perpetual Taq DNA Polymerase

E2700-02 1000U
EUR 312.83
Description: Monoclonal antibody automatic "hot start" PCR system (2.5 U/μl)

Perpetual Taq DNA Polymerase

E2700-03 5000U
EUR 1485.67
Description: Monoclonal antibody automatic "hot start" PCR system (2.5 U/μl)

Perpetual Taq DNA Polymerase

E2700-04 500U
EUR 184.21
Description: Monoclonal antibody automatic "hot start" PCR system (2.5 U/μl)

HotMaster Taq DNA Polymerase

MBS355974-2500Units 2500Units
EUR 665

HotMaster Taq DNA Polymerase

MBS355974-500Units 500Units
EUR 280

HotMaster Taq DNA Polymerase

MBS355974-5x2500Units 5x2500Units
EUR 2680

Champagne Taq DNA Polymerase

P122-d1 500 U (2.5 U/μl)
EUR 212.4

Champagne Taq DNA Polymerase

P122-d2 500 U (5 U/μl)
EUR 212.4

Champagne Taq DNA Polymerase

P122-d3 500 U (10 U/μl)
EUR 212.4

LongerAmp Taq DNA Polymerase

RK20680 1000U
EUR 130.8

Recombinant Taq DNA Polymerase

7-03634 1,000U Ask for price

Recombinant Taq DNA Polymerase

7-03635 3,000U Ask for price

Recombinant Taq DNA Polymerase

7-03636 10,000U Ask for price

Recombinant Taq Dna Polymerase

27079806 EACH
EUR 607.62

Taq DNA Polymerase (Recombinant)

22060707-1 1,000 Unit (s)
EUR 179.02

Taq DNA Polymerase (Recombinant)

22060707-2 1500 Unit (s)
EUR 237.47

Taq DNA Polymerase (Recombinant)

22060707-3 5000 Unit (s)
EUR 607.41

Taq DNA Polymerase (Recombinant)

22060707-4 10 KU
EUR 1096.7

Taq DNA Polymerase (Recombinant)

abx073521-10000U 10000 U
EUR 710.4

Taq DNA Polymerase (Recombinant)

abx073521-1000U 1000 U
EUR 276

Taq DNA Polymerase (Recombinant)

abx073521-3000U 3000 U
EUR 393.6

Recombinant Taq DNA Polymerase

MBS142449-1000Units 1000Units
EUR 240

Recombinant Taq DNA Polymerase

MBS142449-10KUnits 10KUnits
EUR 515

Recombinant Taq DNA Polymerase

MBS142449-3000Units 3000Units
EUR 310

Recombinant Taq DNA Polymerase

MBS142449-5x10KUnits 5x10KUnits
EUR 1990

Taq DNA Polymerase Recombinant

rAP-1062 Inquiry Ask for price

ACTaq? Taq DNA Polymerase, 1000U

E2100-1000U each
EUR 260.4

Bsu DNA Polymerase Large Fragment

3582 200units
EUR 48
Description: Bsu DNA Polymerase I, Large Fragment is a product of the Bacillus subtilis DNA polymerase I which lacks the N-terminal exonuclease domain (1-296 amino acids). It retains the 5´→ 3´ polymerase activity of DNA polymerase I but lacks the 5´→ 3´ exonuclease activity. This large fragment also lacks 3´→ 5´ exonuclease activity (1)Product Includes:Bsu DNA Polymerase I, Large fragment10x Bsu DNA Polymerase I reaction buffer

Bsu DNA Polymerase Large Fragment

3587 2000Units(5units/µl)
EUR 316

Sau DNA Polymerase Large Fragment

3592 200units
EUR 104
Description: Sau DNA Polymerase I, Large Fragment is a product of the Staphylococcus aureus DNA polymerase I which lacks the N-terminal exonuclease domain (1-293 amino acids). It retains the 5´→ 3´ polymerase activity of DNA polymerase I but lacks the 5´→ 3´ exonuclease activity. This large fragment also lacks 3´→ 5´ exonuclease activity.Product Includes:Sau DNA Polymerase I, Large fragment10x Sau DNA Polymerase I reaction buffer

Bst DNA Polymerase, Large Fragment

M1213-200 each
EUR 346.8

Bsu DNA Polymerase Large Fragment

M1214-200 each
EUR 477.6

Bsu DNA Polymerase Large Fragment

MBS516634-1000Units 1000Units
EUR 370

Bsu DNA Polymerase Large Fragment

MBS516634-200Units 200Units
EUR 225

Bsu DNA Polymerase Large Fragment

MBS516634-5x1000Units 5x1000Units
EUR 1310

Sau DNA Polymerase Large Fragment

MBS517612-1000Units 1000Units
EUR 570

Sau DNA Polymerase Large Fragment

MBS517612-200Units 200Units
EUR 455

Available to the public availability of thousands of transgenic Arabidopsis lines provide a unique opportunity to address a number of important biological questions. However, the identification of T-DNA mutant of an individual plant seedlings provided by the distribution centers stock biological remains laborious and time-consuming procedure.

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